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Winter Modifications Althermo
Winter Modifications Althermo

Dear partners !

In connection with the onset of cold weather, we present to you an updated line of modifications of # Altermo water-based thermal insulators and an innovative heat-saving filler "#AltermoFinish" with the possibility of freezing up to 15 times, as well as an improved modification of # AltermoZim with a range of application temperatures from +25 to -35 grams /FROM. In the updated version of "Alterm Winter", the elasticity of the coating is noticeably increased, which makes it possible to use this modification on objects with increased vibrations and in geoseismically active zones. # Althermo Can Freeze, # We Cold Do not Interference, # Althermo Winter, # Ultrafine Liquid Heat insulation

Essential disadvantages of PPU insulation:
Essential disadvantages of PPU insulation:

Essential disadvantages of PPU insulation:

- The thermal resistance of PPU insulation does not exceed 130 0С (only a short-term increase of the coolant temperature up to 1500С is allowed). This factor significantly limits the use of PPU insulation in thermal networks operating on temperature graphs of 140 / 700C, 150 / 700C and above. Work on temperature graphs 140 / 700С, 150 / 700С and above, for thermal networks in polyurethane foam insulation is possible only if there is a special heat-insulating layer (thin polymer concrete or anticorrosion coating "Vector-1265") that separates the main layer of PPU insulation and the outer wall pipeline. This technology is called "steel pipe in combined PPU insulation."

- Thermal insulation of polyurethane foam is weak and has a weak resistance to mechanical influences (compressive strength does not exceed 0.3-0.4 MPa and only partially meets the requirements of SNiP 41-03-2003 "Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines").

- When the foam is wetted, the insulation is destroyed and can have an aggressive corrosive effect on the pipelines. This factor stipulates the mandatory use of a hydro-protective coating (a layer of high-density polyethylene) and a system of operatively remote control (PODC) behind the moistening of polyurethane foam insulation.

- If the foam insulation is damaged and / or humidified, the entire section of the heat network (ie PPC insulation, not repairable-fit) is completely replaced.

- Thermal insulation of polyurethane foam combustible (ie heat-insulating material is fire-hazardous).

- High cost of thermal insulation structures made of polyurethane foam: more than the cost of APB insulation and insulation from mineral wool in 1,2 ... 1,8 times.

- The need for continuous monitoring of the moisture of the polyurethane foam insulation (ie the pipelines of heating networks in polyurethane foam insulation must be equipped with a system of operatively remote monitoring of the humidity of the insulation).

4. При повреждении и/или увлажнении ППУ изоляции, полностью заменяется весь участок тепловой сети (т.е. ППУ изоляция, не ремонтно-пригодна).

5. Тепловая изоляция из пенополиуретана горюча (т.е. теплоизоляционный материал пожароопасный).

6. Высокая стоимость теплоизоляционных конструкций из пенополиуретана: больше стоимости АПБ изоляции и изоляции из минеральной ваты в 1,2…1,8 раз.

7. Необходимость постоянного мониторинга влажности ППУ изоляции (т.е. трубопроводы тепловых сетей в ППУ изоляции должна быть оснащена системой оперативно дистанционного контроля влажности изоляции).

Harm to health from Minvata
Harm to health from Minvata

Few of the buyers of mineral wool materials know that these materials lose up to 40% of their properties just one year after installation. This is explained by natural causes: the material is wrinkled, gaining moisture, as a result, the thermal insulation properties of walls and roofs are rapidly falling, cold bridges are formed and heat is lost. In addition, for the proper installation of mineral wool, it is necessary to strictly follow the rather complex technology of its installation, which few people are able to produce.
Minvata - works separately from the construction
The main reason is the lack of adhesion to the structural elements, that is, there are gaps between the heat-insulating layers and the supporting elements, where the warm air leaves. Over time, the material under the pressure of gravity crumples into a dense mass and inside there are cavities - conductors of cold in the house.

Althermo Biosecurity - As the best way to get rid of fungus and mold, as well as condensate
Althermo Biosecurity - As the best way to get rid of fungus and mold, as well as condensate

Althermo Biosecurity - This heat-insulating paint is designed to combat freezing, eliminate fungal formations and serves as an anti-condensate. Due to the use of special additives in this modification, the improvement of the microclimate in your home is guaranteed. After all, with the modification Altermo Biosecurity, not only the heat-insulating effect is achieved, but also the mold is destroyed and the surface infected with the fungus is healed. Althermo Biosecurity has excellent adhesion to almost any surface.

Althermo Fasad - The answer to the question - how to insulate the fasad
Althermo Fasad - The answer to the question - how to insulate the fasad

Liquid thermal insulation Altermo Fasad - This is a universal insulation for brick, concrete, foam blocks, wood and other materials. Altermo Facade has a low coefficient of conductivity of heat (thermal conductivity) Due to this, it shows unique heat-insulating properties. Even 1 millimeter layer of Altermo Façade proves that this is the best insulation. The holidays about the liquid insulation of Altermo will not leave you indifferent and we hope that you will make the right choice.

Althermo Standard - The best heat insulator for pipes
Althermo Standard - The best heat insulator for pipes

Liquid Thermal Insulation Altermo Standard: It is a universal ultra-thin energy-saving coating in the line of ultrathin heat-insulating materials of our production, suitable for all surfaces with operating temperatures from -60 ° C to + 200 ° C (peak temperature 260 ° C for no more than 2 hours). Liquid thermal insulation Altermo is highly effective in heat insulation of hot and cold water supply pipelines, steam pipelines, air ducts for air conditioning systems, cooling systems, various tanks, tanks, refrigerators, trailers and other objects.

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