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Fire-retardant coating "Altermo" from the manufacturer

Altermo Fire protection

One of the directions of the company activity is production and realization of flame retardants series " Altermo Fire protection". It is truly a unique material superior to the properties of all the known analogues. The company's products LLC NPO " Altermo " finds extensive application in different fields of business.

We are able to satisfy the most demanding consumer, as all products offered are of European quality and wide range of products will not leave anyone indifferent.

Relying on reliability and quality, our prices remain at a pleasantly low level. All products are certified and meets the safety requirements/quality standards/USSR State standard specification.

"Altermo Fire protection 01" to protect concrete and metal structures
from 270 RUB/Kg
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"Altermo Fire protection 02" to protect wooden surfaces
from 270 RUB/kg
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"Altermo Fire protection 03" for the protection of cables and cable groups
from 270 RUB/kg
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