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Harm to health from Minvata

Harm to health from Minvata

Few of the buyers of mineral wool materials know that these materials lose up to 40% of their properties just one year after installation. This is explained by natural causes: the material is wrinkled, gaining moisture, as a result, the thermal insulation properties of walls and roofs are rapidly falling, cold bridges are formed and heat is lost. In addition, for the proper installation of mineral wool, it is necessary to strictly follow the rather complex technology of its installation, which few people are able to produce.
Minvata - works separately from the construction
The main reason is the lack of adhesion to the structural elements, that is, there are gaps between the heat-insulating layers and the supporting elements, where the warm air leaves. Over time, the material under the pressure of gravity crumples into a dense mass and inside there are cavities - conductors of cold in the house.

Tags rockwool isorok Minvata insulation
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